About Me

Thanks for visiting my blog! My name is Brandi, and I’ve been gaming since 1986 😉 Yep, I was practically born with a controller in my hand, and my love of video games has only grown as I’ve gotten older!

I’m partial to Nintendo, but I give love and respect to any company involved in the gaming industry. As it stands right now, I own over 600 games spanning over 30 consoles. My collection is nowhere near complete- there are ALWAYS games I want. Because of this, my backlog is a nightmare! One day when I am rich and don’t have to do boring things like work for a living, my backlog will be cleared! 🙂

A couple other random facts: my favorite game of all time is Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars for the SNES, my favorite character of all time is Kirby, and I have a *slight* obsession with Animal Crossing. I also love first person shooters, platformers, puzzlers, racing games… you name it! I will not shy away from a game regardless of genre.

I started this blog to combine two things I love: gaming and writing! However, my writing style is very casual- I tend to write my entries as if I am writing in a journal. As such, I don’t hold back and I don’t censor myself. There may be unrelenting sarcasm, copious f-bombs and other profanities, and smiley faces. TONS of smiley faces. I am not writing this blog to bring people the latest news or act as if I am writing for some stuffy publication. I’m only writing this blog to entertain MYSELF, and maybe you as well- if you’re into that sort of thing. Enjoy! 🙂



21 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Well, I didn’t know you were born with a controller in your hand?😄How very interesting.just keep on gaming girly, your too much😘

    1. Haha well maybe not BORN with one, but I was introduced to gaming very young! That’s why I procrastinated on all my school work when I was a kid! 🙂 And I will always keep gaming , don’t worry! 😉

    1. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog! I love Kirby’s Dream Land as well! It was the 2nd game I ever played on the Game Boy(the first was Tetris) so I have great memories of it!

    1. Hi there! Sorry, I don’t happen to have my e-mail or anything listed. But thanks for checking out my site, and congrats on your first game’s demo release! I am definitely going to check it out! 🙂

      1. Awesome, thank you so much! Everything is so busy with the holidays and such, but I’m hoping after the new year things will slow down and I’ll be able to play 🙂

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